类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:11

    Now heavn in all her Glorie shon, and rowld

    ions, as t first-Movers hand [ 500 ]

    First wtire

    Consummate lovly smild; Aire,, ater, Earth,

    By Fo

    Frequent; and of t day yet remaind;

    ted yet ter he end [ 505 ]

    Of all yet don; a Creature w prone

    And Brute as otures, but endud

    ititie of Reason, mig

    ature, and uprig serene

    Govern t, self-knohence [ 510 ]

    Magnanimous to correspond h heavn,

    But grateful to acknowledge whence his good

    Descends, t and voice and eyes

    Directed in Devotion, to adore

    And worship God Supream, who made him chief [ 515 ]

    Of all ent

    Eternal Fat hee

    Present) to his Son audibly spake.

    Let us make now Man in our image, Man

    In our similitude, and let them rule [ 520 ]

    Over the Fish and Fowle of Sea and Aire,,

    Beast of th,

    And every creeping t creeps the ground.

    thee O Man

    Dust of trils breathd [ 525 ]

    th of Life; in his own Image hee

    Created the Image of God

    Express, and t a living Soul.

    Male ed t t

    Female for Race; then blessd Mankinde, and said, [ 530 ]

    Be fruitful, multiplie, and fill th,

    Subdue it, and t Dominion hold

    Over Fishe Aire,,

    And every living t moves on th.

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