Broken Dreams

类别:文学名著 作者:叶芝 本章:Broken Dreams

    thERE is grey in your hair.

    Young men no longer suddenly catch

    hen you are passing;

    But maybe some old gaffer mutters a blessing

    Because it was your prayer

    Recovered h.

    For your sole sake - t all s ache have known,

    And given to ots ache,

    From meagre girlting on

    Burdensome beauty - for your sole sake

    aroke of her doom,

    So great ion in t peace you make

    By merely walking in a room.

    Your beauty can but leave among us

    Vague memories, not memories.

    A young man walking

    ill say to an old man, quot;tell me of t lady

    t stubborn h his passion sang us

    well have chilled his blood.

    Vague memories, not memories,

    But in the grave all, all, shall be renewed.

    tainty t I s lady

    Leaning or standing or walking

    In t loveliness of womanhood,

    And hful eyes,

    me muttering like a fool.

    You are more beautiful than any one,

    And yet your body had a flaw:

    Your small  beautiful,

    And I am afraid t you will run

    And paddle to t

    In t mysterious, always brimming lake

    he holy law

    paddle and are perfect. Leave unchanged

    t I have kissed,

    For old sakes sake.

    t stroke of midnight dies.

    All day in the one chair

    From dream to dream and ro rhyme I have


    In rambling talk h an image of air:

    Vague memories, not memories.

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