
类别:文学名著 作者:唐纳德·巴塞尔姆 本章:Lightning

    Ed for Folks, set out to intervie; o or, Penfield. quot;Nine, ten,quot; said Penfield, quot;doesnt matter, but it o be more t.quot; quot;; asked Connors, and Penfield said t t  least ty sensational for t;Slig; said Penfield, quot;nice body, I dont o tell you, somebody ruck by lig;

    Connors advertised in truck by ligo talk for publication about time at all ting p appeared, -grandfatruck by lig seat of a buck-board on a country road in 1910. Connors took doments for intervierying to discern from t be, in terms, wonderful.

    Connors er for ten years and a freelancer for five, opsy Oil in Midland-Odessa. As a reporter ed, solid, underpaid, in love  in business neernal gavotte ers, a man in c  (quot;elltec;) on top of a filing cabinet in ed out, eventually, t  making enougely true!) opsy, opsy, ripled  four moderately expensive suits, enjoyed (briefly) teem of  ime ing eit corporate doings or speecerprise for t;Bugquot;) Ludtaco try Club o be poor again and departed topsy, renting a dismal rear apartment on Lafayette Street in Necogeting for a y of publications, classical record revieimes travel pieces (quot;Portugals Fabulous Beac;), exposes for Pent;Inside trilateral Commissionquot;). to eac  a good brain, a good eye, a tenacious to. y-five, making a t people ning.

    t man erviey-eigile setter named Burcruck by ligely become a Jeness. quot;It  t ever o me,quot; said Burc;in a ;  s, military style, and an elegantly spare (deep grays and broment in t ties or ;I  ty good and I ed to get tire carted. I ire off and  about to put t terrific cras on my back in tire tool bout a , I found it later in a field. Guy in a V van pulled up rig of me, jumped out and told me Id been struck. I couldnt   ook me to a al and t ted about forty-eigness. And let me tell you my life since t day ;  ;Serene. truly serene.quot; Burc-grandfatruck by lig seat of a buck-board on a country road in Pennsylvania in 1910, but no conversion ed in t case, as far as o ograp Burcered serenity on t tment s full of itness literature.

    Connors next talked to a ing on a bencform and  ected , but maybe not, s be sure.  ant cning ce in ebook). S ly dubious about, and on t to do. Sy y ate, and s ée Lauder because te, oo tiring. Connors made a date for tograp and attractive (fa, black clocked stockings) but, Connors t, too old to start t h.

    t day  a call from someone ys in t Connors, scoruck by lig seat of a buggy on a country road outside Ioy in 1911. quot;But I dont  to be in t; s;I mean, ars and movie stars. Olivia Neing a book or somet;

    Connors ed.   to appear in Folks before. ly irritated. ly decent colleagues turn amazingly ugly ervie;ell,quot; ;could  least talk? I promise I  take up mucime, and, you knoty important experience, being struck by lig many people . Also you migerested in . . .quot; quot;Okay,quot; s;but off t; quot;Done,quot; said Connors. My God, sate Department.

    Ed only slig also mildly superb, ory, you name it. O Connors, to be struck by ligifully, beautifully black -- a considerable plus, Connors noted automatically, tiously tried to avoid lily-ories. Sy (not an actress, , please not an actress) and  an actress but doing a paper on Variety for a class in media studies at NYU. quot;God, I love Variety,quot; s;tately marc; Connors decided t quot;S married?quot; e second remark to make to one ne, but it ough decision.

    ty Place in times used for intervies y. Edruck by ligonic. Relax, old ernoon. tys, Marty  for California and a job as a systems analyst ions, good riddance to bad rubbis a systems analyst did: go rouble y, s ure, a systems analyst, and ation, peraken a course in CPR at tirely consistent ious, be-prepared, titude tos, as black folks sometimes termed t you o admit t, qua folks, t trilateral Commission, s example. Connors ritus from o erest through a second Becks.

    quot;Did it cruck?quot; asked Connors. S;Yes and no,quot; s;Got rid of Marty, t o be repeated.quot; Connors sa sy, eur about appearing in te --   into a producing field ank truck in t and take off te fanciful cablisony marble-and-gold ers on Zuricrasse.  did o offer?

    quot;Can you tell me a little bit more about  ually  you?quot; rying to keep ;Yes,quot; Ed;e aking a  icut, near Madison -- and Marty alking about  ts, miles and miles of Kents. I ! and  like I een glasses of er, c I o bust. Also, my eyebro myself in t; Regarding   dark dramatic slas;Ever been a model?quot; ;ts ,quot; Ed;ts tle Zaccimes Magazine, I do Altmans, Macys, youll see me and te c;

    t, ruck by lig music, Nietzscake. Do I  rigo Eddie Sout;dark angel of t; 1904-1962), agreed empt at music on t of God? Does get your attention, Connors t, attempt ion because God is perfect by definition. . . Lig once a coup de tre and career counseling? Connors  o tiful creature before him.

    quot;to contract leprosy,quot; Connors said. quot;ture a leper armadillo, tle bell around its neck, making its draggy scamper across texas from El Paso to Big Spring. My  breaks.quot;

    Edo  s cage of bone. quot;Man, you are one sentimental taxpayer.quot;

    Connors signaled ter for more drinks. quot;It  1880 t tly armadillo crossed tered texas,quot; ;seeking to carry its message to t great state. Its message iful lacquered baskets for your patios, decks and mobile c-stra across your vast savannas enric-quality excreta. In some parts of Souto almost five feet in lengto teac tina --quot;

    quot;Youre crazy, baby,quot; Edting he arm.

    quot;Yes,quot; Connors said, quot;o go to a movie?quot;

    t;Mosco Believe in tears,quot; a nifty item. Connors, Ed and left sides of  intervieupple  essel Post #66 in Neupple) t use  Connors, ing time, nevertebook pages of viciousness o do ocols of Zion and tic inferiority of blacks. Marvelous, dont tine, almost ant Grand Dragon of t (La.) Klan, a man some t, upple, erviement over a failing four-lane boo a block of ice ;ont you need a picture?quot; Stupple asked at lengt;ell, you knos of people ruck by lig;

    telepside t Auty terminal,  s available for dinner. quot;;  tion o knoe or, ratime illumination -- and vexed by y to get a ory. quot;tired,quot; s;Zac, call me tomorro;

    Penfield, tor,  back to Lafayette Street. quot; coming?quot; Penfield asked. quot;I dont understand it yet,quot; Connors said, quot;  c; quot;s to understand?quot; said Penfield, quot; terrific ss of individual bolts, I see a four-ext reversed out of turated purple sky and tiny but absolutely  t -- quot; quot;S; said Connors, quot;youre going to rouble  enougrast.quot; quot;So itll be subtle,quot; said Penfield excitedly, quot;ricle. t  enougll be nice.quot;

    Nice, t Connors, ruck by lightning.

    Connors, trying to get at truck exalt or exacerbate pre-existing tendencies, states of mind, and ro-s alked to a trappist monk o speak to Connors, tively loquacious. old Connors t tion  keenly, as a member of a monastic order, ;; orically. quot;Im too old for ts for kids, I kno, you kno, makes no sense at all. But I love it, I simply love it. And after I ruck ty boug; Proudly s delicate earp;A special dispensation. I guess to-dead, t . I simply love it. ; Standing in a beet field ed monk Connors felt t to re-ttitude toy. It  be so bad to spend ones days pulling beets in tening to tire to ones cell at nigo read St. Augustine and catce and the B-52s.

    quot;t; Connors said to Ed nig dinner, quot;I dont understand precisely s t pure frigitude at ; tting in an Italian restaurant called Da Silvano on Sixton, eating tortellini in a tle Zac in a ed bits of cut-up pasta. Ed afternoon and  in a good mood. quot;t; s;me and te curn it around just once.quot; Sting pretty. Sime back but didnt get it and tion in o ; said Ed;I  to give you a back rub, you look a tiny bit peaked.quot;

    Connors subsequently interviee admirable Frenc-grandfat ruck by liged from t of a farm tany in 1909. In ;ineffable,quot; using a  so far as to mention t of t a moments ation, cut tly) t t like quot;funny stuff and pointing out t tory ra page given to Ed, in ube and looked, in Penfields pely fantastic.

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