Million Man March Poem

类别:文学名著 作者:玛雅·盎格鲁 本章:Million Man March Poem

    t has been long,

    the wound has been deep,

    t has been dark,

    And teep.

    Under a dead blue sky on a distant beach,

    I  beyond your reach.

    Your ied, your mouth was bound,

    You couldnt even call out my name.

    You were helpless and so was I,

    But unfortunately t ory

    Youve worn a badge of shame.

    I say, t has been long,

    the wound has been deep,

    t has been dark

    And teep.

    But today, voices of old spirit sound

    Speak to us in words profound,

    Across turies,

    Across the seas.

    to one another,

    Save your race.

    You ant place,

    t slaverys chains

    have paid for our freedom again and again.

    t has been long,

    t has been deep,

    t has been dark,

    And teep.


    oughened our will.

    t has been long.

    through your anguish

    Rigo your soul.

    I kno her we can make ourselves whole.

    I look ture and past your disguise,

    And see your love for family in your big brown eyes.

    I say, clap s come togeting ground,

    I say, clap s deal h love,

    I say, clap  us get from the low road of indifference,

    Clap  us come togets,

    Let us come togets,

    Let us come together and cleanse our souls,

    Clap s leave the preening

    And stop impostering our own ory.

    Clap s back from the ledge,

    Clap  us invite joy into our conversation,

    Courtesy into our bedrooms,

    Gentleness into our kitchen,

    Care into our nursery.

    tors remind us, despite tory of pain

    e are a going-on people who will rise again.

    And still we rise.

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